It seems like LED lighting may be used for more than just lighting. A recent NY Times article explores different lighting technology aimed at improving health, moods, and even food.
"There's a tremendous potential for LED lighting to go beyond illumination," said John Strainic, General Electric’s general manager for consumer lighting. “We’re asking people to think about lighting as more than just an impulse purchase.”
Compared to older types of bulbs, LEDs can create light in multiple colors, generates less heat, and uses considerably less energy. And LEDs can be as programmed remotely.
Because of the LED manufacturing process, the light that the technology creates is weighted toward the blue end of the spectrum. That is true whether the LED is used in a light bulb, a tablet or a television display. While the ability to alter an LED lamp’s color opens up new uses for light, the fact that LEDs can be remotely controlled significantly changes their potential.
Within the next few years, the world’s major lighting companies expect to expand LEDs’ connected capabilities, particularly with sensors.
“Today, lighting is becoming an appliance, like a blender,” said Mr. McGowan of the American Lighting Association. “I tell people when they move, they should take their LED bulbs with them.”
Source: NY Times