KCP&L Will Increase Wind and Energy Conservation

January 30, 2014

Kansas City Power and Light Company recently announced its intentions to expand two of its energy-efficiency programs. One of the programs will double its wind-generating capacity to serve 124,000 homes.


With the other program, the utility will open the rebate programs under the Missouri Energy Efficient Investment Act to all of its Missouri customers. That counters environmentalists’ criticism that an earlier conservation-incentive plan wasn’t comprehensive enough.


KCP&L said it plans to buy 400 megawatts of power from two new wind turbine facilities, increasing its wind energy portfolio to 939 megawatts. The company said that will make it the largest provider of renewable energy generation of any investor-owned utility in Missouri or Kansas.


The two new wind facilities — expected to produce power by early 2016 — will be built in Coffey County, Kan., and in Holt County, Mo.


Read the full story at the Kansas City Star.

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