This Thursday, Independence, MO became the first city in the Kansas City metro, (with a population over 100,000 people,) to swap out all of its old mercury vapor and high pressure sodium streetlights with new energy efficient LED bulbs. The $4 million project took eight months to complete and is expected to save the taxpayers in Independence roughly $1 million a year. In addition to having thinner fixtures and producing brighter, whiter, and more focused light, the new LED fixtures will use 68% less energy.
Taxpayers will not only save money from the efficiency of the new streetlights, however. A large amount of money will be saved on maintenance. The new LED lights have a 10 year warranty, as well as a life expectancy of 20 to 25 years. Residents will save substantially on a reduced need for utility workers to replace burnt out bulbs. Moreover, the renovation is expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 10 million pounds.
Although it is the first large city in the metro for a project of this kind, LED streetlight conversions are happening all over the country, including Los Angeles, Seattle, and Las Vegas. Additionally, KCP&L has already converted around 4,000 streetlights. It is truly a matter of time before more streetlights locally will be converted.
Worldwide Energy specializes LED lighting solutions and can help you both save money on energy efficiency lighting and improve the quality of light provided. Call our offices today at 913.310.0705.
Source: FOX 4 KC