
LED Street Lighting in Buffalo, NY

The streets of Buffalo, New York are a little brighter these days. The city recently updated their street lighting to LED, increasing security, safety, and savings for the city. During 2011, commercial and institutional buildings, and street and highway lighting, consumed "about 275 billion kilowatt hours for lighting or 21 percent of commercial electricity consumed," […]

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Rise of Renewable Energy

Ratings agency Standard & Poor has said that the renewable energy market shows a promising future for solar and wind technology. In fact, the oil and gas giant Shell forecasts that solar could become the world's largest primary source of energy by 2070. Take for example, Germany, which now has a cumulative capacity of 32.6 […]

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Tips for an Energy Benchmarking Plan

The U.S. Department of Energy Technical Assistance Program (TAP) recently released an 11-step outline for public sector organizations to use in developing an energy benchmarking plan. Benchmarking is comparing a metered building's current energy performance with its energy baseline. It can help building managers compare performance over time or between similar types of buildings or to […]

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Office Depot's $8 Million Lighting Retrofit

Office Depot is reducing their energy use by making numerous energy efficiency investments, including a lighting retrofit project. The company is de-lamping one out of every three bulbs in tens of thousands of fixtures across more than 1,000 stores, and adding reflectors to the remaining two bulbs to maintain light output. The $8 million project […]

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NREL Launches Efficient Data Center

The U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is getting ready to open the doors to the world's most energy efficient high-performance computing (HPC) data center. The Energy Systems Integration Facility (ESIF) will require as much as one megawatt of electrical power to run, and is the first data center "dedicated solely to […]

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LED Lighting Could Cut Food Waste

Can LED lighting really cut food waste? According to a recent study, the answer is yes. Changing the light bulbs in supermarkets can reduce an estimated 300,000 tons of food waste each year. Most supermarkets use lighting that emits heat, causing food to sweat and deteriorate quicker. Unlike conventional lighting, LED lighting does not emit […]

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March Feature Product: SORAA LED

SORAA features ordinary LED lighting that is extraordinarily brilliant and efficient. Their full spectrum of gallium nitride (GaN) LED lamps have superior color rendering and beam characteristics compared to lamps using LEDs created from non-native substrates. SORAA LED lights have a great performance with a single light source, crisp shadow, and are dimmable. The lights […]

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The Importance of Lighting Maintenance

It's often overlooked, but proper lighting maintenance is a large part of reducing utility bills, especially for businesses where lighting accounts for an estimated 20 percent of the total energy used in commercial buildings. More often than not, many businesses do not have a detailed lighting maintenance policy other than replacing burned-out bulbs. Poor lighting […]

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EPA Announces Cities with Most Energy Star Buildings

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a list of U.S. cities with the most Energy Star certified buildings in 2012. The news highlights how owners and managers of commercial buildings across the country are taking action on climate change while delivering real financial savings to their business bottom line. Last year, there were more […]

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